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Why should I rent a Safe Deposit Box?
It is a convenient place to store important items that would be difficult or impossible to replace. The safe deposit box also offers privacy and security. Although many people like to keep valuables close by in a closet at home or in a office, these places probably are not as resistant to fire, water and theft. Also, some insurance policies charge lower insurance premiums on valuables kept in a safe deposit box instead of at home.
What items should go into a Safe Deposit Box?
Important papers such as; originals of your insurance policy, birth/marriage/death certificates, original deeds/mortgage contracts. Other valuables such as special jewels, medals and collectable items, irreplaceable photos, video or pictures of your home contents for insurance purposes.
Can I arrange for someone to access my Safe Deposit Box in an emergency?
Yes. You can jointly rent your Box with a spouse, child or another person who will have unrestricted access to the box. (Warning: merely giving someone else a key will not be enough to grant access. They must sign a rental contract as a joint - renter).
Can law enforcement authorities access my Safe Deposit Box without my knowledge or permission?
If the law enforcement authorities persuade the appropriate court that there is reasonable cause to suspect you are hiding something illegal (guns, drugs, explosives, stolen items or cash), they can obtain a court order, have right to open the box and seize the contents.
Are Safe Deposit Boxes protected from fire, flood and other disasters?
The companies that manufacture Safe Deposit Vaults that house the boxes make them highly "resistant" to fire, flood, heat, earthquakes, hurricanes and explosions. However the key word is "resistant" there is no 100% guarantee against damage.
Are there extra precautions I can take to minimize the damage?
Yes. To prevent water damage by sealing items in airtight zip-lock bags. Also, put your name on each item; keep a list of box contents.
Does anyone insure my Safe Deposit Box against damage or theft? Can thieves rob a Safe Deposit Box?
Fortunately it is not often that this happens. Boxes are stored in concrete or steel vaults equipped with sophisticated alarms, locks, video cameras, motion sensors, heat detectors and other security devices. Our vaults also have very strict access procedures.